Welcome to form 1040 Basics presented by the Legal Aid Society of Columbus. Before we begin, I want everyone to know that if you have any questions about what we go over in this video, you can check out Publication 17 on irs.gov. I'll be referring to that publication often. Preparing, filing, and paying your taxes is one of the most basic duties as an American citizen or resident. Everyone is required to report their income and pay their share of taxes to the government. While filing and paying your taxes is always your responsibility, most of you will have your taxes prepared by someone else. Choosing the right tax preparer is extremely important, so I urge you to watch one of our other videos that give you tips on how to do this. Even though someone else may be preparing your taxes, you need to know the basics of preparing and filing your tax return. Why, you may ask? There are several reasons. First, so you understand how to assist your tax preparer. Second, so you can prepare better throughout the year, so there are no surprises come April 15th. Third, so you can prepare them yourself if you want to. We recommend having them looked over by a tax professional. And most importantly, you need to protect yourself from tax preparer fraud. So, the first thing though, is what your filing status will be. What is filing status? Filing status is the IRS's way of knowing which type of taxpayer you are. Are you one that pays taxes by yourself? Are you one that pays together with your spouse? Do you have children or other people that you support? Each of these factors affects which filing status you qualify for. In some instances, you have a choice as to which filing...
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1040 instructions Form: What You Should Know
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Form 1040 instructions